jeng (AT) mis.nsysu.edu.tw
- 國立交通大學計算機工程學士, 1975/09-1979/06
- 國立交通大學計算機工程研究所碩士, 1979/09-1981/06
- 美國紐約大學計算機科學博士, 1986/09-1990/05
- 國立中山大學資訊管理學系教授, 1998/02-2012/01 (已退休)
- 國立中山大學傳播管理研究所所長, 2009/08-2010/08
- 國立中山大學資訊管理學系主任, 2007/08-2010/07
- 國立中山大學資訊學系副教授, 1990/09-1998/01
- Siemens Corporate Research, Inc 研究員, 1990/05-1990/08
- 國立中山大學電機系講師, 1984/09-1986/07
- 工業技術研究院電子工業研究所副工程師, 1981/12-1982/11
- 行政院衛生署遠距健康照護服務專案辦公室資訊整合組組長
- 軟體工程協會理事
- 遠距醫學會理事
- 高雄醫學大學附設醫院資訊顧問
- 好事聯播網資訊顧問
- 數位協進股份有限公司技術顧問
- 高雄市政府地方型SBIR審查委員
- 國科會專題研究計畫審查委員
- 經濟部技術處SBIR計畫審查委員
- 經濟部商業司協助服務業創新研究發展計畫(ASSTD)審查委員
- 長榮大學學報編輯委員
- 國立高雄師範大學軟工系課程委員
- 屏東縣政府資訊顧問
- 2011台灣軟體工程暨物件導向技術及應用研討會大會議程委員
- 行政院衛生署「強化山地鄉遠距醫療門診服務計畫」案之審查委員
- 資訊管理學報審稿委員
- 教師升等審查委員
- 高雄曹賜斌整形外科診所資訊顧問
- 偉斯科技股份有限公司技術顧問
- 集利通商務股份有限公司技術顧問
- 遠見資訊股份有限公司技術顧問
- 磯智資訊股份有限公司技術顧問
- 長興化工資訊系統專案顧問
- 資策會軟體測試工具開發專案顧問
- 98年度傳授教師
- 97年度教學研究獎勵獲獎教師
- “Analyzing Partition Testing Strategies”論文被收錄在IEEE出版的軟體測試專書裡
- 獲邀請在Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science撰寫“Interactive Induction of Expert Knowledge” 論文
- B. Jeng, D.-M. Yeh, D. Wang, S.-L. Chu, C.-M. Chen, A Specific Effort Estimation Method Using Function Point, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.27, 2011, pp.1363-1376 (SCI, EI)
- Y.-T. Chen and B. Jeng., Learning Policies by Fitting Desired Reference Modes for System Dynamics Models, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2010 (accepted, SSCI)
- W.-P. Lee, Y.-T. Hsiao and B. Jeng., Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks by Incremental Evolution and Network Decomposition, IET Systems Biology, 2010 (accepted, SCI)
- W.-P. Lee, T.-H. Yang and B. Jeng., Building Neural Network-Based Behavior Systems for Emotion-Based Pet Robots, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, Vol.10, No.3, 2010, pp.115-123 (EI)
- S.H. Yeh, B. Jeng, L.-W. Lin, T.-H. Ho, C.-Y. Hsiao, L.-N. Lee and S.-L. Chen, Implementatlon and Evaluation of a Nursing Process Support System for Long-Term Care: A Taiwanese Study, Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol.18, 2009, pp.3089-3097 (SCI, SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.376, Cited half life: 4.8. Immediacy index: 0.24)
- Wen-Shyong Tzou, Wei-Po Lee, and B. Jeng, Exploiting knowledge ontology and software agents for PPI network analysis[SCI, EI], Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.36, No.10, 2009, pp.12605-12616 (SCI, EI, Impact Factor 2.596)
- W.-P. Lee, T.-H. Yang and B. Jeng, Building Neural Network-Based Behavior Systems for Emotion-Based Pet Robots, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, Vol.10, No.3, 2009 (EI, to appear)
- Chen, D.N., B. Jeng, W.P. Lee, C.-H. Chuang, An Agent-Based Model for Consumer-to-Business Electronic Commerce, Expert Systems with Applications [SCI, EI], Vol.34, No.1, 2008, pp.469-481 (Impact Factor 1.236, NSC 91-2416-H-110-007)
- G.-H. Lai, C.-M. Chen, B. Jeng, S.-C. Chao, Ant-Based IP Traceback, Expert Systems with Applications [SCI, EI], Vol.34, No.4, 2008, pp.3071-3080 (Impact Factor 0.957)
- Hsiu-Chi Wang, B. Jeng and Chia-Mei Chen, Structural Testing Using a Memetic Algorithm, Journal of Software Engineering Studies, Vol.2, No.4, 2007 (Invited paper)
- Wei-Po Lee, Bingchiang Jeng, Tun-Wen Pai, Chin-Pei Tsai, Chang-Yung Yu, and Wen-Shyong Tzou, Differential evolutionary conservation of motif modes in a yeast protein interaction network [SCI], BMC Genomics, Vol.7, 2006, pp.89 (Impact Factor 4.09, NSC 91-2113-M-037-023, NSC 92-2113-M-019-001)
- Jeng, B., Chen, J. and Liang, T.P., Applying data mining to learn system dynamics in a biological model, Expert Systems with Applications [SCI, EI], Vol.30, No.1, 2006, pp.50-58 (Impact Factor 0.957, NSC 92-2213-E-110-037)
- Chen, Y.T. and Jeng, B., MFILM: a multi-dimensional fuzzy inductive learning method, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence [SCI], Vol.17, No.3, 2005, pp.267-281 (Impact Factor 0.466, NSC89-2416-H-110-088, NSC 93-2524-S-001-001)
- Jeng, B., Elicit Expert Knowledge by Interactive Induction Learning, Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, Vol.68, 2000, pp.126-146
- Jeng, B. and Forgacs, I., Toward an Automatic Approach of Domain Test Data Generation, The Journal of Systems and Software [SCI, EI], Vol.49, No.1, 1999
- Jeng, B., Toward an Integration of Data Flow and Domain Testing, The Journal of Systems and Software [SCI, EI], Vol.45, 1999, pp.19-30
- Yang, C.H., Lin, S.L. and Jeng, B., An Interactive Statistical Comparison System for Routing Problems, International Journal of Computer and Engineering Management, Vol.13, No.4, 1997, pp.563-583
- Jeng, B., and Chen, M.C., Knowledge Acquisition: An Object-Oriented Approach, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.13, No.4, 1997, pp.563-583
- Jeng, B., Jeng, Y.M. and Liang, T.P., FILM: A Fuzzy Inductive Learning Method for Automatic Knowledge Acquisition, Decision Support Systems, Vol.21, No.4, 1997, pp.613-73 (SCI, SSCI, EI)
- Jeng, B., Liang, T.P. and Hong, M.Y., Interactive Induction of Expert Knowledge, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.10, No.3/4, 1996, pp.393-401 (SCI)
- Weyuker, E.J. and Jeng, B., Analyzing Partition Testing Strategies, Automated Specification-Based Software Testing, 1996
- Jeng, B., Toward Combining Function and Object Models, International Journal of Computer and Engineering Management, Vol.4, No.1, 1996, pp.1-14
- Jeng, B. and Liang, T.P, Fuzzy Indexing and Retrieval of Case-based Systems, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.8, No.1, 1995, pp.135-142 (SCI)
- Jeng, B. and Weyuker, E.J., A Simplified Domain Testing Strategy, ACM Trans. on Software Eng. & Methodology, Vol.3, No.3, 1994, pp.254-270 (SCI)
- "Weyuker, E.J. and Jeng, B.", Analyzing Partition Testing Strategies, IEEE Trans. on Software Eng, Vol.17, No.7, 1991, pp.703-711 (SCI)
- Rich Lee and Bingchiang Jeng., Load Balancing Tactics in Cloud, CyberC2011: International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery, Beijing, 10~ 12 2011
- Bingchiang Jeng and Chien-Hung Liu, Applying Model Checking to Software Resource Testing, 1st Cross-strait Conference on Software Technology, Taipei, 27~ 28 2010
- Jian-xun Chen, Bingchiang Jeng, and Wen-Shyong Tzou, An Exploration of System Dynamics in Biological Reverse Engineering, The Ninth IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria, 17~ 18 2009
- Bingchiang Jeng and Chien-Hung Liu, A Flexible Combinatorial Strategy Based On Constraint Statisfaction Problems, The 20th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, Vol.20, Taichung, 2009
- "S. F. Lin,Y. T. Hou,Chia-Mei Chen,and B. C. Jeng", Malicious Webpage Detection by Semantics-Aware Reasoning, IEEE Intelligent System Design and Application (ISDA) Conference, ~ 2008
- "G. H. Lai,Chia-Mei Chen,B. Jeng", DoS Detection in Cluster-based Sensor Networks, "IASTED International Conference on Communication,Network and Information Security (CNIS 2007)", "Berkeley,USA", 24~ 26 2007
- "Y. T. Hou,Chia-Mei Chen and B. Jeng", A Key Predistribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Using the Small-World Concept, International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS2007), "Regensburg,Germany", 03~ 07 2007
- "Y. F. Chiu,Chia-Mei Chen,B. Jeng,and H. C. Lin", An Alliance-based Anti-Spam Approach, International Conference on Natural Computation, "Haikou,China", ~ 2007
- "S. F. Lin,Chia-Mei Chen,B. Jeng", Malicious DHTML Detection by Model-Based Reasoning, Information Security Conference, ~ 2007
- "Chia-Mei Chen,B. Jeng,G. H. Lai,C. L. Wang", Adaptive Clustering for Sensor Network, International Conference in IT and Application (ICITA) sponsored by IEEE NSW Section, "Harbin,China", 15~ 18 2007
- "Y. T. Hou,Chia-Mei Chen and B. Jeng", A Key Predistribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Using the Small-World Concept, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
- "Bingchiang Jeng,Dowming Yeh,Deron Wang,Shu-Lan Chu", An Empirical Study of Effort Estimation Using Simplified Functional Point Analysis, International Computer Symposium, "Taipei,Taiwan", 04~ 06 2006
- "Hsiu-Chi Wang,Bingchiang Jeng", Structural Testing Using Memetic Algorithm, Proceedings of the Second Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, "Taipei,Taiwan", 09~ 10 2006
- "Y. T. Hou,T. C. Lee,Chia-Mei Chen,and B. Jeng", Node Placement for Optimal Coverage in Sensor Networks, "IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks,Ubiquitous,and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC)", 05~ 07 2006
- "Chia-Mei Chen,B. Jeng,C. R. Yang,and G. H. Lai", Tracing Denial of Service Origin: Ant Colony Approach, European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Communication Networks and Connected Systems (EvoCOMNET) 2006, "Budapest,Hungary", 10~ 12 2006
- "Y. T. Hou,T. C. Lee,B. Jeng,and Chia-Mei Chen", Optimal Coverage Deployment for Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society, "Phoenix Park,Korea", 20~ 22 2006
- "Chia-Mei Chen,B. Jeng,C. R. Yang,and G. H. Lai", Tracing Denial of Service Origin: Ant Colony Approach, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Applications of Evolutionary Computing, 2006
- "邱郁芬,賴谷鑫,陳嘉玫,鄭炳強", 以區域聯防為基礎之垃圾郵件防治研究, 2005 年「網際空間:資安、犯罪與法律社會」學術研究暨實務研討會, 中央警察大學, 23~ 2005
- 曾漠益、賴谷鑫、陳嘉玫、鄭炳強, 以約略集合理論為基礎之垃圾郵件過濾研究, 2005年第十一屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台北, 10~ 2005
- "曾仲強,賴谷鑫,陳嘉玫,鄭炳強", 以支援向量機為基礎之後門程式入侵偵測, 第十六屆人工智慧與應用研討會, 國立高雄大學, 02~ 2005
- "Bingchiang Jeng,Deron Wang", Function Points Analysis – A Simplified Approach, Proceedings of the First Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, "Taipei,Taiwan", ~ 2005
- 鄭炳強、王德榮, 可調整的弁鉰I分析法, 第一屆軟體工程會議, 台北, ~ 2005
- "Bingchiang Jeng,Wen-Shyong Tzou,Jian-Xun Chen", How Reliable an Encoding Process is to Build Models from Observed Data?, The Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan (MIST), Taoyuan, 2005
- "Bingchiang Jeng,Wen-Shyong Tzou,Jian-Xun Chen", Linking system dynamics science and systems biology with Machine learning techniques, Bioinformatics in Taiwan, Tainan, 2005
- 陳建勛、鄭炳強、鄒文雄, 以混合基因演算法從時間序列資料推估生物系統的動力係數, 第九屆(TAAI 2004年)人工智慧與應用研討會, ~ 2004
- "Jeng,B. and Wang,D.", A simplified approach for function point analysis, "2nd. International Conference on Computing,Communication and Control Technologies: CCCT '04", "Austin,Texas,USA", 14~ 17 2004
- "Chen,Y.T.,and Jeng,B.", Policy Design by Fitting Desired Behavior Patterns to System Dynamics Models, The 22nd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, "Oxford,England", 25~ 29 2004
- 范文宙、陳建勳、鄭炳強, 以類神經網路來輔助當PSA在4~10ng/ml時的前列腺癌診斷, The Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan (MIST), Chiayi, 2004
- 陳建勳、鄭炳強, Parameters Estimation of an Enzyme Dynamics Model from Data, Medical Informatics Symposium, "Kaohsiung,Taiwan", 17~ 19 2003
- "Chen,D.N.,Jeng,B.", A Multi-agent Framework that Supports Collective Purchasing and Bargaining in Electronic Commerce, "IEEE International Conference on Systems,Man & Cybernetics,IEEE SMC-2003", "Washington,D.C.,USA", 05~ 08 2003
- "Chen,D.N.,Chuang,C.H. and Jeng,B.", An Adaptive-AHP Multi-Agent Framework that Supports Collective Purchasing in Electronic Commerce, Proceedings of PACIS 2002, "Tokyo,Japan", 02~ 04 2002
- "Chen,Y.T. and Jeng,B.", "Yet Another Representation for System Dynamics Models,and its Advantages", The 20th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, "Palermo,Italy", 28~ 01 2002
- "Chen,Y.T. and Jeng,B.", A Customer Segmentation Mining System on the Web Platform, Proceeding of Americas Conference on Information Systems 2000, " Long Beach,CA", ~ 2000
- "Forgacs,I. and Jeng,B.", On the Automatic Generation of Domain Test Data, The Fourth International Conference on Achieving Quality in Software (AQuIS '98), "Venice,Italy", 30~ 02 1998
- "Jeng,B. and Liu,J.H.", An Inheritable Domain Reuse Model, The 7th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology, Tainan, 19~ 20 1996
- 鄭炳強, 如何落實智慧型軟體園區在高雄地區的發展, 推動南部地區產業轉型與發展研討會, ~ 1996
- "Jeng,B.,Liang,T.P. and Hong,M.Y.", Interactive Inductive Learning for Knowledge Acquisition, 1995 Pacific-Asian Conference on Expert Systems, 1995
- "Jeng,B.", Integrating Data Flow with Domain Testing, The First Asia-Pacific Soft. Eng. Conference (APSEC), Tokyo, 07~ 09 1994
- "Jeng,B. and Wang,C.H.", Object-Oriented and Data Flow Analysis: An Integration Approach, The 4th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology, Taipei, 22~ 23 1994
- "Jeng.,B. and Jeng,Y.M", A Fuzzy Tree Induction Learning Method, The 1st Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, Singapore, ~ 1993
- "Jeng,B. and Liang,T.P.", Fuzzy Indexing and Retrieval in Case-based Systems, The First Pan Pacific Conference on Info. Systems, "Kaohsiung,Taiwan", 1993, pp.258-266
- "Jeng,B. and Chao,W.S.", Communicating Objects for System Integration Modeling, The 2nd International Conference on Automation Technology, "Taipei,Taiwan", ~ 1992, pp.307-312
- "Wu,C.D. and Jeng,B.", Data Flow Testing in Assembly, Workshop on Software Quality Assurance, "Kaohsiung,Taiwan", ~ 1992, pp.89-102
- "Jeng,B.", Domain Testing - A New Strategy, National Computer Symposium, "Taipei,Taiwan", ~ 1991, pp.273-278
- "Jeng,B. and Weyuker,E.J.", Experience with data flow testing, Seventh International Conference on Testing Computer Software, San Francisco, ~ 1990
- "Jeng, B. and Weyuker, E.J.", Some Observations on Partition Testing, "Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Testing, Analysis, and Verification, Key West", "Florida", ~ 1989, pp.38-47
- "Wu, I.J., Chen, B.I., Duan, C.M. and Jeng, B.", "An Intel-8086 simulator for RSX-11M", Proceedings of The Third Workshop on System Software Technology, "Taipei, Taiwan", 1985
- "Tsai,W.H.,Chen,Z.,Jeng,B. et al", "CTIPS--A multi-microprocessor system for image processing: hardware architecture,system software,and applications", "Proceedings of 1983 International Symposium on VLSI technology,System,and Applications", "Taipei,Taiwan,Republic of China", ~ 1983
- "Tsai,W.H.,Chen,Z.,Jeng,B. and Chou,C.C.", Architecture of a multi-microprocessor system for parallel processing of image sequences, Preceedings of 1981 IEEE computer Society Workshop on Computer Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image database Management, Virginia, 1981
- "Tsai,W.H.,Chen,Z.,Jeng,B. and Chou,C.C.", A multiprocessor system for image sequence analysis, Proceedings of 1980 International Computer Symposium, "Taipei,Taiwan,Republic of China", ~ 1980
- 鄭炳強, 軟體工程—從實務出發, 智勝出版社, 2007 (ISBN:978-957-729-659-7)
- 鄒文雄、鄭炳強, "轉錄體與交互作用體的系統分析", 國科會, 2003 07
- 鄭炳強, "智慧型代理人在C2B電子商務之應用研究", 國科會, 2003 07
- 鄭炳強, etc., "醫療院所病歷電子化試辦計畫", 行政院衛生署, 2003 06
- 鄭炳強, "複決策結果之歸納學習法", 國科會, 2000
- 鄭炳強, "訓練類神經網路來建立系統動力模型", 國科會, 1999
- 鄭炳強, "在全球資訊網上應用FILM來學習顧客特性已知原買賣雙方電子商務行為", 國科會, 1998
- 吳景凱、李宗南、鄭炳強, "同步船舶工程先期計畫", 船舶設計中心, 1996
- 鄭炳強, "軟體輔助工具評估及實況調查", 資策會, 1996
- 梁定澎、林東清、賴香菊、鄭炳強, "經營決策資訊系統改善研究", 台灣電力公司, 1996
- 鄭炳強, "高雄慈惠醫院及仁愛之家資訊系統規畫書", 高雄慈惠醫院, 1996
- 鄭炳強, "軟體反向工程工具評估及實況調查", 資策會, 1995
- 梁定澎、林東清、鄭炳強, "中船分散式系統規畫", 中國造船公司, 1995
- 鄭炳強, "國立科學工藝博物館資訊中心規畫", 科學工藝博物館, 1994
- 鄭炳強, "科博語言之資料流程測試", 國科會, 1993
- 鄭炳強, "國立科學工藝博物館軟體系統規畫", 科學工藝博物館, 1993
- 鄭炳強, "以組合語言為對象的資料流程測試", 國科會, 1992
- 新式自動程式評估與診斷系統
-國科會委托, 主持人, 2010-8-1-2011-7-31 - 新式程式設計教學平台之開發與理論研究
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 2008-08-01-2009-07-31 - 資源測試的理論及應用平台開發
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 2007-08-01-2008-07-31 - 資源導向的自動化程式測試方法
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 2006-08-01-2007-07-31 - 利用「行為資料採礦」探索生物系統的網路基序
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 2004-08-01-2005-07-31 - 轉錄體與交互作用體的系統分析(2/2)
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 共同主持人, 2003-08-01-2004-10-31 - 從表現資料到生物系統回饋環路的反向工程
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 2003-08-01-2004-07-31 - 智慧型代理人在C2B電子商務之應用研究
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 2002-08-01-2003-07-31 - 轉錄體與交互作用體的系統分析(1/2)
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 共同主持人, 2002-09-01-2003-07-31 - 複決策結果之歸納學習法
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 2000-08-01-2001-07-31 - 在全球資訊網上應用FILM來學習顧客特性以支援買賣雙方電子商務行為
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 1999 - 訓練類神經網路來建立系統動力模型
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 2000 - 複決策之歸納學習法
-行政院國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 1999
- 人性化語音諮詢輔助弁鉰X充之研究
-資策會委托, 主持人, 2007-03-01-2007-12-31 - 醫療院所病歷電子化試辦計畫
-行政院衛生署委托, 共同主持人, 2002-07-01-2003-03-31 - 長期照護機構院民評估及照護工具電腦中文系統
-長庚醫學院委托, 主持人, 1999
學年度 | 課程名稱 | 學分 |
100 | 計算機概論實習 | 1 |
計算機概論 | 3 | |
管理資訊系統專案(二) | 3 | |
99 | 管理資訊系統專案(一) | 3 |
管理資訊系統專案(二) | 3 | |
計算機概論 | 3 | |
管理資訊系統專案(二) | 3 | |
計算機概論 | 3 | |
計算機概論 | 3 | |
98 | 企業實習(二) | 3 |
管理資訊系統專案(一) | 3 | |
程式設計 | 3 | |
企業實習(一) | 3 | |
管理資訊系統專案(二) | 3 | |
計算機概論實習 | 3 | |
計算機概論 | 3 | |
97 | 管理資訊系統專案(一) | 3 |
程式設計實習 | 1 | |
程式設計 | 3 | |
企業實習(一) | 3 | |
管理資訊系統專案(二) | 3 | |
計算機概論實習 | 1 | |
計算機概論 | 3 | |
企業實習(二) | 3 | |
96 | 程式設計實習 | 1 |
管理資訊系統專案(二) | 3 | |
計算機概論實習 | 1 | |
程式設計 | 3 | |
計算機概論 | 3 | |
管理資訊系統專案(一) | 3 | |
95 | 管理資訊系統專案(二) | 3 |
系統分析與設計 | 3 | |
94 | 軟體工程專題 | 3 |
企業內部網路專案(二) | 3 | |
93 | 企業內部網路專案(二) | 3 |
企業內部網路專案(一) | 3 | |
資料結構 | 3 | |
92 | 企業內部網路專案(二) | 3 |
資料結構 | 3 | |
企業內部網路專案(一) | 3 | |
91 | 軟體工程專題 | 3 |
企業內部網路專案(一) | 3 | |
資料結構 | 3 | |
企業內部網路專案(二) | 3 | |
90 | 企業內部網路專案(一) | 3 |
資料庫管理系統 | 3 | |
88 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
物件導向程式設計 | 3 | |
多媒體系統專案(二) | 3 | |
87 | 多媒體系統專案(二) | 3 |
物件導向程式設計 | 3 | |
86 | 物件導向程式設計 | 3 |
多媒體系統專案(一) | 3 | |
資料結構 | 3 | |
85 | 資料庫系統專案(二) | 3 |
物件導向程式設計 | 3 | |
84 | 資料庫系統專案(一) | 3 |
資料庫系統專案(二) | 3 | |
資料結構 | 3 | |
83 | 資料庫系統專案(一) | 3 |
資料庫系統專案(二) | 3 | |
資料結構 | 3 | |
82 | 計算機概論 | 3 |
資料庫系統專案(一) | 3 | |
計算機概論實習 | 1 | |
計算機概論 | 4 | |
資料庫系統專案(二) | 3 | |
C與UNIX程式設計 | 3 | |
資料結構 | 3 | |
計算機概論實習 | 1 |
學年度 | 課程名稱 | 學分 |
101 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
100 | 系統動態專題 | 3 |
軟體工程 | 3 | |
99 | 系統動態專題 | 3 |
98 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
96 | 資訊管理專題研討(四) | 1 |
資訊管理專題研討(二) | 1 | |
軟體工程 | 3 | |
資訊管理專題研討(三) | 1 | |
資訊管理專題研討(一) | 1 | |
系統動態專題 | 3 | |
95 | 系統動態專題 | 3 |
94 | 軟體工程專題 | 3 |
人工智慧專題 | 3 | |
93 | 資訊科技研究 | 3 |
系統動態專題 | 3 | |
92 | 資料庫系統專題 | 3 |
人工智慧專題 | 3 | |
資訊科技研究 | 3 | |
91 | 系統動態專題 | 3 |
軟體工程專題 | 3 | |
資料庫系統專題 | 3 | |
90 | 人工智慧專題 | 3 |
資料庫系統專題 | 3 | |
89 | 人工智慧專題 | 3 |
資料庫系統專題 | 3 | |
88 | 系統動態專題 | 3 |
軟體工程專題 | 3 | |
86 | 人工智慧專題 | 3 |
85 | 資訊管理專題研討(四) | 1 |
資訊管理專題研討(二) | 1 | |
人工智慧專題 | 3 | |
84 | 軟體再造工程 | 3 |
軟體品質保證 | 3 | |
83 | 人工智慧專題 | 3 |
系統分析與設計專題 | 3 | |
專家系統專題 | 3 | |
82 | 軟體工程專題 | 3 |
學年度 | 課程名稱 | 學分 |
98 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
96 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
92 | 資料庫系統專題 | 3 |
人工智慧專題 | 3 | |
91 | 軟體工程專題 | 3 |
89 | 高等資管專題研討(二) | 1 |
高等資管專題研討(四) | 1 | |
87 | 資訊科技研究 | 3 |
人工智慧與專家系統 | 3 | |
86 | 軟體再造工程 | 3 |
人工智慧與專家系統 | 3 | |
85 | 高等資料庫 | 3 |
軟體工程研究 | 3 | |
84 | 人工智慧與專家系統 | 3 |
83 | 資訊科技研究 | 3 |
學年度 | 課程名稱 | 學分 |
98 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
96 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
95 | 軟體工程專題 | 3 |
94 | 軟體工程專題 | 3 |
93 | 書報討論(二) | 3 |
90 | 軟體工程專題 | 3 |
書報討論(一) | 3 | |
89 | 軟體工程專題 | 3 |
88 | 軟體工程專題 | 3 |
學年度 | 課程名稱 | 學分 |
91 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
90 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
89 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
88 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
學年度 | 課程名稱 | 學分 |
88 | 軟體工程 | 3 |
87 | 多媒體系統專案(一) | 3 |